Robot Wiki



A Robot is a machine capable of carrying out a complex series of actions automatically or via a remote control. Robots are often used to do daunting tasks too difficult for humans, like performing sensitive surgeries or handling hazardous materials. They are also used to do time consuming work like machining metal or assembling a car.

Hobby robots[]

Hobby robot

Hobby robots are DIY robotic kits or robots that are customizable/hackable.

Some are also used as educational robots.

Entertainment robots[]

Entertainment robot

Entertainment robots can range from simple toys to complex gadgets used to entertain. Their single simple purpose is to entertain.

Should be categorized as toy robots or Experimental robots (e.g. the ping-pong playing robots).

Industrial robots[]

Industrial robot

Industrial robots are robots which perform work, building cars or computers, and the like.

Domestic robots[]

Domestic robot

Domestic robots are robots that are used within a house, most of the time to either maintain it or provide some sort of service to the people within the house.

Military robots[]

Military robot

Military robots are robots used in the military, whether it be for combat, surveillance or transmission.

Medical robots[]

Medical robot

Medical robots are used in the medical field to preform daunting tasks that require extreme preciseness.

Service robots[]

Service robot

Service robots perform tasks that are either unable to be preformed by humans (such as handling hazardous chemicals), or are just lengthy tasks that are too dull or repetitive for humans. They range from small domestic robots to large industrial robots.

Experimental robots[]

Research robot

Experimental robots are primarily built with the intent of research and development. These types of robots are most popular in colleges and high schools. However, some companies, like Boston Dynamics or Honda, also do research on different types of robots.

Research robots[]

Spirit rover

Research robots are used in science, e.g. in locations that humans cannot reach like outer space or deep sea.

Educational robots[]

Hobby robot

Educational robots are designed to teach about robots. Could be from toddler-level to university grade.

Some are advanced toy robots or Hobby robots.

Fictional robots[]

Fictional robot

Fictional robots are robots that are depicted in books, movies, or TV shows that are made up.


Mechs or Mechas are giant robotic vehicles in Anime, Manga, Games & Movies.
